this time you will stay gone for sure"

common test results are torn between okay and depressing.
and i reallyreallyreally feel bad like fisheeeeesssss cause i've disappointed mdm zaibon. i just don't seem to click with poa this year. rashi and me suffering the same fate eyy. but it's okay. tryna think positive and keep my hopes up still (: we shall pull this through together alright babe. and mdm zaibon, i'll never let you down promise (:
sec one npcc orientation camp tomorrow. not really ecstatic over it. there goes my suppose-to-be-friday-of-sleeping-early-and-waking-up-late-the-next-day plan.
heh what a shoooorrrtt title.
bought food stuffs for tomorrow's camp with nadia, shushu and syafiq at giant just now. i had fun and yeah, had a good laugh. :D :D people, nadia sooooo can't push the trolley okay. she'll sondol you like nobody's business. haha. she pushed the trolley till it got caught up with my shoes. then after awhile, she bumped the trolley onto shushu's butt. aiyyyooo. danger ah this woman. haha. anyway, once we're done, syafiq wanted to eat so yeah we sat at the food court. shushu and me bought the french loaf set meal. GOODNESS IT WAS DELISH OKAY.
a must try eyy. heeee.
well obviously an annoying incident happened. you know, there was this sale thingy over at giant just now. they were selling this basket-bowl-like kinda thingy for 10 cents each. so me, nadia and shushu decided to buy for our mumsies la. there was a variety of colours. shushu wanted a blue one cause duhh it was nice. so she asked this aunty if she could trade one of her lime green for her blue. and the old aunty was like,"noo. cannot. just now i told you to faster take you don't want. this is mine. cannot. i like the blue. cannot." and we were like, WHAT THE FISHEESSS! she was being so mean and whatnot la when shushu actually asked nicely and ended her sentence with a please. TSK. like c'mon. she had like around 10 plus of that thingy in blue. can't she trade just one with the lime green? won't die right aunty? like what laaa. then i was like,"eh nadia. we take one, put over her head then run away with the blue one nak?" and nadia was like,"okay ah. you go from left, i go from right." (haha) so merepek ah. but whatever la ehh. i doubt she's even gonna use all of those she bought. pfffffftt. talk about rude and kiasu much.
RRRR some people are just (insert adjectives here).
Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:03 AM back to top?